Friday, April 28, 2006

Visa Shmisa

filthy least the ones at the Brazilian embassy in Miami. OK, so in part i jest, but not really. here's the scoop:

At approximately 3:45 yesterday I receive word that our visas to go to Brazil must say on them "valid for 1825 days (5 years)." SO, since I had gotten mine last year, I figured, GOOD! I'm safe. But in the pit of my stomach something screamed at me to go check it out. LO AND BEHOLD, there it is....NOTHING?!?!?!??!! OK, starting to have that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I now have entered the frantic email mode, sending my coach a ton of emails with lots of questions. He tells me not to worry and just to swing by in the morning and he'll check it out.. Let's pause the story for one second..

you know that feeling you get when someone you trust starts freaking out?

SO, coach starts freaking out..."well, check your email a lot because I know you'll be hearing from me." is the last thing he says as I walk out the door. It's OK I tell myself...NOTHING IS RANDOM!! so...i go on about my business. At 12:50 I check again, the email reads "you need to go get two money orders, one for 100 and one for 10. OUCH! also, you need to go get your picture taken for your visa. OUCH! and then bring it to me and we'll see what we can do. These are not promising words considering I just paid 120$ last semester for the same thing! After class, I start speeding around this town trying to get everything accomplished. Well, I get it done, get back to my coach, fill out a visa application, fill out the money orders, tape my picture to the application, and ask 1000000 questions. My main concern was why in a two year period do I have to pay 240$ for something that should have lasted me 5 years?? Here's the brilliant brazilian answer: "sometimes it just turns out that way, one guys could get approved for 5 years, some for 90 days." Guess what mine was...90 days. Well, coach found a man to overnight my passport too and he's going to go stand in line, get it approved and overnight it back. So in the end, I believe it will all work out.

My first response was to call them filthy brazilians...oh wait...i did, and that was probably the wrong choice. But as I was moping around, feeling sorry for myself, wondering if i'd ever see my visa, i saw someone who will not be named that brightened my day with a scripture passage I needed SOOOO much!

Romans 15:13
Oh! May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope!

I have a hope that the God of green is going to work all things for my betterment and for His glory.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

11:00 Convo's

I was talking to a friend today, and this was their part of the conversation. I thought it was beautiful, yet simple.

I was actually thinking about it today


I don't remember what made me think about it - I don't think it was this


but...I'm pretty sure that God didn't mean for "Christianity" to be as complicated as people make it


I mean obviously there are some things that we need to figure out in our hearts...but when I see some people getting into deep theological debates about things NO ONE except The Lord REALLY knows....I don't think thats what He really wants.


It's really simple: Believe, Love, Teach.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Are You Ready For a Challange?!??!?! (Part 2)

don't forget you're "challengee." keep praying

i think you know what i'm getting at

And know that I don't hate you
And know that I don't want to fight you
And know I'll always love you
But right I just don't...

like you

i didn't write that, and i can't tell you who did, but it's how i feel. ( i guaruntee it's not about who you think it's about )

Friday, April 21, 2006

He lifts up the fallen

Psalm 146

Hallelujah! O my soul, praise GOD!

All my life long I'll praise GOD,

singing songs to my God as long as I live.

Don't put your life in the hands of experts

who know nothing of life, of salvation life.

Mere humans don't have what it takes;

when they die, their projects die with them.

Instead, get help from the God of Jacob,

put your hope in GOD and know real blessing!

GOD made sky and soil,

sea and all the fish in it.

He always does what he says--

he defends the wronged,

he feeds the hungry.

GOD frees prisoners--

he gives sight to the blind,

he lifts up the fallen.

GOD loves good people, protects strangers,

takes the side of orphans and widows,

but makes short work of the wicked.

GOD's in charge--always.

Zion's God is God for good!


Wednesday, April 19, 2006


just wanted to share my delight in thunderstorms!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Your love is extravagant
Your friendship it is intimate
I feel like moving to the rythm of your grace
Your fragrance is intoxicating in a secret place

Spread wide in the arms of Chist is the love that covers sin
No greater love have I ever known
You considered me your friend
And captured my heart again

Your love is extravagant
Your friendship it is intimate

My favorite part is: "spread wide in the arms of Christ is the love that covers sin." HE COVERED MY SIN!!!! One of my favorite quotes from C.S. Lewis sums it up best:

"Christ died for men precisely because men are not worth dying for; to make them worth it."

Because of Christ and His "extravagent love" ... we're worth it.

Are You Ready For a Challange?!??!?!

After a few interesting discussions today, I got burdened for a challange. If you chose to accept. PLEASE follow through. I know we can change this world through prayer.

Here it is folks:

Chose one person to pray for on a regular, faithful basis. What's so hard about that you say? I do that everyday some of you say! Here's the catch:

The person you pray for MUST be some sort of "star." Whether it be a movie star, tv star, music star, or sports star, pray that that person would come to know the Lord as their personal savior. As a good friend of mine said "so many times we just write them off." And it's true! They have souls too. So accept the challange!

Here's my project: Tim Burton

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

rumor's are mean

don't ever talk about someone to anyone unless you have that someone's permission. it's that easy.


Why do we sleep? Why do we eat? Why do we breathe? The answer to all these is simple and obvious. To keep us alive...right?

Those aren't the questions that have been bothering me lately because those are clear...right? The ones that are invading my thought life are: Why do we look down on others because their different? Why do we laugh when someone messes up? Why do we rejoice when sinners are judged? Are these things right? My selfish answer is YES! These are completely right and justified. If a person doesn't meet up to my standard and way of life, then they are obviously inferior and deserved to be mocked.

WHAT?!?! If this was the way life should be lived than an all mighty, loving, unchangeable God would be laughing at us! He would sit back in heaven and mock us to shame everyday of our lives. But does He? NO. There is a standard that no human being can attain, but our wonderful Savior sits in heaven and watches over us, not mocks us! When we are different, Christ is helping us change. When we mess up, Christ picks us up, dusts us off, and sets us back on the right path. So, if we're here on earth to bring glory to God and be more like Christ, than why do we feel like we can laugh at, scorn, and mock others?

So why do we eat, sleep, and breathe? To live? NO. To bring glory to our God.

1 Corinthians 10:31 - Whether ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever you do. Do ALL to the glory of God.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

So Go Rest High

My Great Uncle, Robert Pyle, went home to be with the Lord yesterday. He was 93.

Uncle Bob served the Lord completely until the day he died.

Our God is good.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

His Love Endures Forever

Just when there was a time in my life when I needed it came.

Psalm 136