Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Well, I've been gone for so long from this world called "blogging," that I don't even really know where to begin.

My life has seen some radical changes over this semester at school. I'm in that point in my life that I am deciding what I believe and how I believe it. I'm chosing what's right and wrong in my life despite what people tell me. Although those other people may be right in many of their beliefs and I have joined forces with them in some areas, I find myself going a different path in other ways. Is this wrong? No. I'm of the belief that if the Bible doesn't talk about it, it's not an issue. Do I have ways in which I need to change and grow spiritually? Of course. We all do.

I'm just happy I'm figuring things out...

I might blog again tomorrow, it might be three months from now, so until then....

can you remember the name?

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